EAN – European Aeroallergen Network

What is it?

The European Aeroallergen Network Pollen Database is used to gather information of more than 600 pollen counting stations all over Europe. This data is used by scientists (mostly aerobiologists) in Europe to create statistics and calculate trends of the pollen distribution.

Whom is it for?

This website is mainly used by scientists for exchanging data. Therefore most of the pages will be for registered users with a valid password only.
As a downstream-service, some of the data is made available for various organisations to create dispersion- and forecast models.
The data is owned by the participants and is only available under specific agreements. A list of contact persons can be found on the country pages of www.polleninfo.org .

Public services

For the public, data is available as graphics on www.polleninfo.org , under “Flow Charts”. For allergic subjects, there is an additional service: the personal pollen diary .

Need assistance?

In case you need assistance, please contact support(at)polleninfo.eu via email.

Homepage: www.ean-net.org